Monthly Archive: August 2017

CSF Installation Guide 1

CSF Installation Guide Over Several Linux Distributions | Security | Linux Administration

Installation Guide – CSF Config Server Firewall, widely known as CSF is used to enhance the security of server’s or system’s running over various Linux distributions (generic Linux OS). CSF can be installed over Linux based Plain machines, VPS or Servers. It also provides preconfigured configurations and control panel UI’s for cPanel, DirectAdmin, and Webmin. Let’s begin with installation folks. Installation Commands cd /usr/src wget tar -xzf csf.tgz cd csf sh Test whether you have...

apache nodejs 1 520x245 - Configuring Reverse Proxy for Node.js application using Apache | Linux Administration 0

Configuring Reverse Proxy for Node.js application using Apache | Linux Administration

Node.js Node.js is widely used to build web applications with real-time, two-way connections, where both the client and server can initiate communication, allowing them to exchange data freely. The best side is that we don’t need a host container for building a web app just means including a library that listens for HTTP requests on a port and responds. It is as simple as just coding your app and let it listen on any non-privileged...